Rediscover Your Beautiful Smile
You won’t always be able to hide behind the mask, let us help you regain that smile!
As we learn more about the pandemic and take steps to control the spread of it we know that life will one day be back to a more normal way. One day we won’t all be able to hide our smile and breath behind the mask. Here at Mountain Springs Advanced Dental we can help you get your smile ready for the normal days ahead.
- Bad Breath- Taking control of your bad breath can be as easy as a dental cleaning. Some patients have gone over a year without getting a dental cleaning. The pandemic has wrecked havoc on many people’s oral health. Getting scheduled for a cleaning with our hygienist is the first line of defense in getting your smile back. Schedule an appointment today and through the month of July, 2021 when you mention this blog you will receive one free OraCare mouth rinse system per family dentistry. OraCare has been proven to fight bad breath, kill bacteria and viruses, and help heal gum problems and mouth ulcers.
- Whitening- An easier way to cure a dull smile is with whiter teeth. Our dental office colorado springs uses an at-home system with custom trays. These trays are worn with whitening solution for at least 45 minutes up to 2 hours per day for at least 2 weeks to achieve your brightest white smile. After the 2 weeks you will wear the trays periodically to do touch up whitening. Avoiding foods such as blueberries, coffee, tea, and red wine will help maintain that bright smile. If you mention this blog during a scheduled appointment and you are free of gum disease and decay you can receive a free at home whitening system. This offer is valid through July 2021.
- Invisalign- Clear aligner therapy is a great way to fix mis-aligned teeth without the look of traditional braces. These trays are worn 20+ hours per day and should only be taken out to eat or drink. Most cases last 6-12 months. Some cases are even quicker. Dr. Patterson is an Invisalign provider and through the month of July 2021 we are offering $500.00 off any Comprehensive and Limited Case and $250.00 off any Express cases. Call today to book a consultation.
- Veneers-If you are looking to completely change the dynamic of your smile veneers may be a great option. Veneers are small ceramic coverings that change the shape and color of a tooth with minimal tooth prep. Veneers are very technique sensitive and should be done by a Prosthodontist Colorado Springs who has specialized training. Dr. Patterson is very experienced and can typically get an entire set done in 8 hours or less. Through July 2021 we are offering 25% off with a free consultation. X-rays are not included.
Call our dental clinic colorado springs today and ask us how we can improve your dental smile!